Monday, October 13, 2014

This I've Learned: We Need a Plan for Everything

When I started high school, I made a chart that included the four years that I would attend high school and spaces to map out which seven classes that I would take each semester. (I'm annoyingly left-brained. I know.) I used this to plan out which classes I would need to graduate with the highest-level diploma possible. My goals were very high and I needed a plan to achieve them.

When I was in Young Women's (the organization for 12-18-year-old girls of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), I listed all the things I needed to do to reach my goal of being married in the Temple for time and all eternity. [Please go to to learn more.]

When I started college, I did the same thing that I did in high school. I made a chart so I would know what classes I needed to achieve my goal of graduating from college with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering (actually, I started as an Electrical Engineering major, but that quickly changed when I took the electrical portion of my Physics series. Eww.). This was a little more difficult because I met and married an amazing man in the middle of my college career (reaching my goal of a Temple marriage, btw), so I had to alter things just slightly; but I did, in fact, graduate with my desired degree. It took me six years instead of four, but I had a beautiful baby girl along the way. (She looked so cute at my graduation exercises in her little University dress!)

My husband and I are both extremely left-brained. I know I mentioned that about myself, but it's extreme enough that it bares repeating. ☺ (I know I made other lists and plans while growing up, I just can't remember the specifics.) While we were engaged, we spent many hours talking about our future life together and about the family that we wanted to raise. We talked about so many things. He (actually his dad) was slightly worried about how important it was to me that I graduate from college. His mom had stayed home and raised their children and he and his dad were hoping that I would want to do the same. That is exactly what I anticipated doing, but I also wanted to fulfill my goal of graduating from college. I knew that having a college degree would be very beneficial in case something unforeseen occurred and I needed to work outside the home, and more importantly, it was a goal that I had set for myself many years before.

Anyway, we knew that we both wanted me to stay at home and raise our children (with his help, obviously). We knew that we wanted to raise our children with a religious foundation. We knew that although we would live out of state for a season while my husband finished his postgraduate education, we would eventually move back to our home state to raise our children around grandparents and cousins. I don't remember everything that we planned, but we did plan out the big, important things. I didn't realize at the time that we should have planned out the little things also.

Just as I made plans and goals and charts to achieve my big goals in life, I've realized that we need to have a plan in place as we begin raising our families. I suppose that in a way we did have a plan, but looking back, I think we should have been more specific and detailed and conscious of what we were doing. We should have had smaller, more detailed bullet points under our larger goals. We should have listed and talked about (and maybe we did and I just don't remember; you know, being twitterpated and all) how exactly we were going to achieve our goal of such an awesome family.

Most of what I want to include in this blog falls under the specifics that needed to be a part of those initial conversations. I wish I would have written down some of what we discussed. Maybe I didn't because I didn't want to scare him off with how analytical I was about things. (He turned out to be even more analytical than I am, but I'm sure that's part of why I was attracted to him in the first place.) Actually, I think I'll retrieve my old journals from under our bed and look back to see if I did write down anything that was discussed. If I find anything useful, I'll include it in a later post.

Trust me when I say that a plan is needed for everything worthwhile that you do, especially when raising a family. Goals are an important part of life if you want to progress and become better everyday; otherwise you just end up "going through the motions" of day-to-day living, and what's the purpose of that? Every time I've set a goal and made the necessary plans to achieve that goal (and stuck to them), I've been successful. If you haven't already thought about what your goals are in raising your family, it's never to late to begin.

This I've Learned.